Stuttering treatment mindset - red flag
I sometimes see comments in Facebook groups and forums from people who bought a very expensive stuttering treatment that promised a total cure in just a few days. Things like: 'We’ll teach you how to pronounce and say it right,' or 'We just need to remove something in your mind—your obsession,' or 'We’ll boost your confidence. We know how to do it.
And people say, 'At first, it helped, but then all my stuttering came back.'
We always wonder why people buy these treatments. The answer is simple—we're looking for stuttering treatment. And it's completely natural to do so.
We tend to see stuttering as a medical issue—'speech therapy,' 'speech-language pathologist,' and so on. So, just like we go to the dentist to fix a toothache, we expect to go to someone to 'fix' our speech impediments. Makes sense, right?
But stuttering is so much more than just speech impediments. It’s an automated speaking pattern—one made up of different layers, from the physical to the psychological, mental, and emotional. And it’s even bigger than that. Stuttering is a state holding tons of our muscle and emotional memory. It’s not something left in the past—it’s all here, built up over time, and we feel it all in the present.
So, can we really change our automated speaking pattern in just a few days? I don’t think so. We can shake it up, but stuttering is like a tree with deep roots—you can shake it, but it still stands firm. Oftentimes, we find ourselves right back where we started.
There is one critical thing that is missing and that we want to add to our speaking exercises.